Sunday, November 20, 2011

Athens Museum of Modern Arts

In October 2013,  23 months from now delivered in Athens the new Museum of Modern Arts in the building that for decades housed the brewery FIX.
Contractor is ultimately the construction company Aktor, that brought out and construction of the new Acropolis Museum. The architectural design of the new museum made by 3SK Stilianidis.
The modern art museum founded in 1997 but started its operation in 2000 with the founding Director Mrs. Anna Kafetsi. The foundation came to fill a huge gap left by decades of a similar institution for contemporary Greek and international art in Athens.

As a permanent home of the museum selected the abandoned for decades malting Fix at Syngrou avenue.
The EMST immediately began intense exhibition activity. From 2000 to 2003 housed in the basement of the Fix factory, and since 2003 has presented exhibitions in many different places in Athens such as the Athens Concert Hall and the School of Fine Arts.
From September 30, 2008 temporarily established in the building of the Athens Conservatory until completion of the reconstruction of the former building FIX.

The museum's collections, set up from scratch, including an important nucleus of works by Greek and foreign artists such as Ilya and Emilia Kampakof, Yannis Kounellis, Bill Viola, Kostas Tsoklis, Mona Chatoum, Nick Kessanlis, etc., and constantly enriched.

What is the notorious BUILDING FIX?

In 1863 John Fix build the first  beer factory in Greece  in Kolonaki a neighborhood in central Athens. After his death his son Charles Fix, expanding his business, makes the 1893 a new and great for the era factory in the same place where now stands the existing building on the west bank of Ilissos and south, a short distance, pillar of the Olympian Zeus. At that time the region was unstructured. The neighborhoods south of the Acropolis, which includes this area began to grow after 1900 to 1910.

The success of the firm of Charles Fix during the first decades of the 20th century resulted in the continued expansion of the plant by 1920 in any one position.

By the mid 1950's, the residential fabric of the city gradually spread and covered the area around the factory. However the area still retains low densities with  two-storey houses, just before the mass of the system of compensation, which decades has changed completely the character of the area.

In the mid 1950's era industrial reconstruction, decided to major renovation - restoration works and the planning of this project entrusted by the family Fix to the architect Takis Zenetos (1926-1977), the leading representative of postwar modernism in Greece. The design of Zenetos emphasized the horizontal dimension of Fix building along the  Avenue Sygrou and Avenue Kallirois glazed with horizontal lines. Furthermore, it sought merely to house an industrial unit but within the overall philosophy interested in the future operation of the building under different conditions in subsequent seasons.

In late 1970, the Brewery moved out of Athens and the whole building, but then in excellent condition, was evacuated.

Over the years became obvious signs of neglect and deterioration of aesthetics, by posting billboards in facades and visible damage to the inner and outer shell of the building.